Sunday 21 August 2016

Osun Osogbo festival, a celebration of water and fertility goddess

               Osun Osogbo Festival

“I was asked to relocate from Lagos to Osogbo so that my life can have a meaning. I beg you, goddess of Osun, I must not come back here in vain,” these were the words of a desperate woman inside the sacred Osun grove where the annual Osun/Osogbo festival berths yearly. Apart from the fertility which the Osun goddess is sure to guarantee barren women, it is believed that anything one asks from the river will be granted as long as the requests are backed up with promises (which MUST be fulfilled).

During the 2016 edition of the festival, the crowd pouring into the grove, according to locals, was unprecedented as the people kept thronging the shrine to make their demands from the goddess. And although there was a heavy downpour on Thursday preceding the grand finale, the people remain unperturbed. Foreign newsmen, tourists and expatriates were also at the scene, but unlike the locals, they were only at the site to enjoy the beauty of African tradition firsthand.

“I was asked to relocate from Lagos to Osogbo so that my life can have a meaning. I beg you, goddess of Osun, I must not come back here in vain,” these were the words of a desperate woman inside the sacred Osun grove where the annual Osun/Osogbo festival berths yearly. Apart from the fertility which the Osun goddess is sure to guarantee barren women, it is believed that anything one asks from the river will be granted as long as the requests are backed up with promises (which MUST be fulfilled).
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“I was asked to relocate from Lagos to Osogbo so that my life can have a meaning. I beg you, goddess of Osun, I must not come back here in vain,” these were the words of a desperate woman inside the sacred Osun grove where the annual Osun/Osogbo festival berths yearly. Apart from the fertility which the Osun goddess is sure to guarantee barren women, it is believed that anything one asks from the river will be granted as long as the requests are backed up with promises (which MUST be fulfilled).
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