Sunday 25 September 2016

How Hillary Clinton plans to 'get under Donald Trump's skin' in Monday night's presidential debate

          New York state will host the first presidential debate

In particular, Mr Trump's advisers believe a debate without major controversy would advance his cause with white college-educated women, who have been alienated by some of his rhetoric and antics on the campaign trail.
Mr Trump himself said: "I'm going to be very respectful of Hillary Clinton. I think she deserves that, and I'm going to be nice."
Brian Fallon, Mrs Clinton's spokesman, said: "We have no doubt that his handlers are prevailing on him to arrive at the debate more subdued, and to try to suppress his true self."
But the Clinton camp hopes over the course of 90 minutes, with no advertising breaks, she will be able to light a fuse under Mr Trump.
Despite her superior grasp of policy detail Mrs Clinton, who has been preparing for months, is said to have accepted the debate will be more about style and soundbites than substance. She has been readying deeply personal put-downs, absorbing green ring binders packed with background research on Mr Trump including psychological analysis.
Her campaign has also been speaking to Tony Schwartz, ghostwriter of Mr Trump's most famous book The Art of the Deal, who has turned against the businessman. In mock debates Mrs Clinton has used several different people to play Mr Trump.
Her campaign manager John Podesta portrayed a "nasty" version hurling insults, while a lawyer was used as a more "presidential" version. Much of her preparation has taken place on the 27th floor of an office building in Manhattan, just a 15-minute walk from Trump Tower, where her opponent has been holding more informal sessions.
Mr Trump is said to be convinced that he can win the debate with a few well-chosen one-liners, or "zingers", that will be endlessly replayed on television.
He has refused to practice with a lectern while trying out "zingers" on his children and advisers including Mr Gingrich, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and former Fox News executive Roger Ailes. His team also includes David Bossie, a Republican operative known as the "original Clinton hunter", who has been investigating the Clintons's financial dealings since the 1990s.
Both candidates spent this weekend studying videos of each other's previous debate performances.
In an unusual example of humility Mr Trump watched a compilation of his own worst moments in previous debates, so he doesn't repeat the mistakes.
In addition to winding up her opponent Mrs Clinton will seek to portray herself as the defender of the many groups Mr Trump has insulted. She will call on Hispanic, black, Muslim, and disabled voters to rise up. She will talk at length about Mr Trump's feud with an American-Muslim family whose soldier son was killed in Iraq, and his mocking of a disabled journalist.
Mrs Clinton will also draw clear policy distinctions on foreign affairs, immigration, healthcare, and gun ownership. But her supporters also want to see spontaneity from the usually scripted candidate, urging her to come out of her shell.
President Barack Obama publicly advised Mrs Clinton to "be yourself".
He added: "There is a level of mistrust and a caricature of her that doesn't jibe with who I know."
One Democratic strategist said it was a golden opportunity for Mrs Clinton to "let people see her as she is, a very appealing person".
But doing so will be difficult for Mrs Clinton. Any mistakes will be magnified in front of the biggest ever TV audience for a political debate.
And the debate could be lost in an instant, perhaps because of something unexpected.
"If Hillary Clinton has a coughing spell that's going to feed the narrative that she doesn't have the stamina, as Trump has alleged," said Mr O'Donnell. "She needs to remember drink lots of water."

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