Thursday, 26 October 2017

China will not set target to double GDP from 2021

         China will not set target to double GDP from 2021 
China will not set a goal of doubling its gross domestic product starting in 2021 so it can focus more on higher-quality, long-term growth, a senior Communist Party official said, in a break from past practice.

Yang Weimin, vice minister of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs, speaks at a news conference after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Beijing, China October 26, 2017. REUTERS/Jason Lee
The world’s second-largest economy is well on track to hit its target of doubling GDP and per capita income by 2020 from 2010, and market speculation over new targets had intensified in the run-up to the twice-in-a-decade Communist Party congress that ended on Tuesday.
While China’s pursuit of strong growth targets over the years has helped lift the global economy from recession after the financial crisis, its corporate and local government debt has soared, regional economic disparities have widened and environmental damage has worsened.
Yang Weimin, vice minister of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs, told a news conference in Beijing on Thursday that China will not solely pursue economic expansion and will emphasize the quality of its growth.
The shift away from ambitious long-term government growth targets is a departure from past practice in China, and marks a new strategy for longer-term economic development.
In the opening speech of the 19th party congress last week, President Xi Jinping did not explicitly mention the goal of doubling GDP by 2020. Throughout the gathering, there were also no public announcements about new economic growth targets.
Instead, Xi set broad long-term goals for China’s development “in a new era”, envisioning it as a modern socialist country by 2035, and a modern socialist “strong power” with leading influence on the world stage by 2050.
Obsessing less about targets could give policymakers more room to press ahead with painful, structural reforms -- in theory -- at the risk of weighing on domestic and global growth.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and many economists have urged Beijing to do away with or lower official growth targets altogether to reduce the country’s long reliance on debt-fueled stimulus and encourage more productive investment.
The IMF warned this year that China’s credit growth was on a “dangerous trajectory” and called for “decisive action”, while the Bank for International Settlements said in late 2016 that excessive debt growth was signaling a banking crisis in the next three years.
At the start of the congress, Xi said China would deepen economic and financial reforms and further open its markets to foreign investors as it looks to move from high-speed to high-quality growth.

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