Wednesday 17 August 2016

Coming by 2021: the Ford with no steering wheel or pedals

           Ford is hoping by 2021 the likes of Uber users could be taking lifts in fully automated driverless vehicles manufactured by Ford.  
Ford says it will build a totally self-driving car by 2021 as it seeks to take the lead in the global race to produce the world’s first high-volume driverless vehicle.

The car, which will have no steering wheel or pedals, will be used in the driverless taxi services that Ford said it expects to dominate the market in the coming decade.
The carmaker said in a later investor call that it expected to first roll out the driverless vehicles in big cities. The cars would most-likely be hybrids rather than full electric vehicles or cars with a conventional internal combustion engine, to ensure range and minimise downtime needed for recharging.
The company announced a suite of investments in technology groups, including one alongside Chinese search engine Baidu, and a doubling of its operation in Silicon Valley on Tuesday, to bolster its position in the race to develop the autonomous technology that is expected to revolutionise the motor industry.
“There’s a real business rationale for this,” said Ford chief executive Mark Fields.
“Vehicle autonomy could have as big an impact on society as the Ford mass assembly line had over 100 years ago.”
He said the cars will be “specifically designed for commercial” services such as ride-booking or ride-sharing.
The move pits Ford directly against Google and Apple as well as rival car manufacturers such as BMW, which has formed a joint partnership with Intel and Mobileye to develop a fully driverless vehicle by 2021.
When it announced the deal last month, the German carmaker said it wanted to become the “number one in autonomous driving”.

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