Friday 5 August 2016

Top-Secret’ Birthday Bash, Obama Parties with Jay Z, Beyoncé

On Friday night, President Obama is reportedly set to attend a “top-secret” dance party at the White House. The lavish event, organized by First Lady Michelle Obama, marks the president’s 55th birthday, and the last one he will enjoy as a resident of the White House.
“I’ve gotten to know these guys over the first several years,” Obama told radio host Colby Colb in late 2012, shortly before his re-election. “They’re good people. Beyoncé could not be sweeter to Michelle and the girls. So they’re good friends. We talk about the same things I talk about with all my friends.”
“I can’t tell you who to vote for—all I can do is tell you to vote on Nov. 4, the most important election that will happen probably in your lifetime,” the rapper said. “Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther King could walk. Martin Luther King walked so that Obama could run. Obama’s running so that we all can fly … I can’t wait until Nov. 5 and I’m going to say, ‘Hello, Brother President.’”
“It’s no different than discriminating against blacks,” the recording artist said. “It’s discrimination plain and simple … I think [announcing support of gay marriage is] the right thing to do, so whether it costs [Obama] votes or not—again, it’s not about votes. It’s about people. It’s the right thing to do as a human being.”
In September 2012, Beyoncé and Jay Z threw a high-profile fundraiser at Jay Z’s 40/40 Club in New York City. The private event ending up bringing in $4 million for the president’s campaign war chest.

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