Thursday 11 January 2018

why we'll never see the Defenders in the MCU


We should all make our peace with the idea that the Defenders will never meet the Avengers on the big screen.

If it were all connected, why didn’t the Avengers intervene to save New York from the threat of The Hand as seen in The Defenders? Why hasn’t Nick Fury shown up on Matt Murdock and Luke Cage’s doorsteps asking for them to join the big leagues? Why hasn’t Iron Fist visited Doctor Strange to discuss the embarrassing cultural sensitivity issues their respective white saviour narratives have thrust upon them?
Such crossovers are common within the pages of comics, after all, and they’re the template for this whole enterprise. As it stands, crossovers broadly amount to little more than easter eggs, background references and increasingly contrived mentions - and always the TV referencing the movies, never the other way around.

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